Subject Index E

Editorial Material
Electron MicroscopyEmbryology
Enteric Nervous SystemEquipment



ART Chanet B, Desoutter M, Guintard C: Imagerie médicale et plastination au service de la compréhension de la phylogénie des poissons plats (Pleuronectiformes). [in French with English abstract]. Cybium 31 (2): 117-123, 2007.

ART Poels P, Simoens P, Putcuyps I: Ruimtelijke organisatie van het hondehart: anatomische en echocardiografische aspecten. (Spatial Organization of the Canine Heart- Anatomic and Echocardiographic Aspects.) [in Dutch with English absract]. Vlaams Diergeneeskd Tijdschr 63 (1): 7-18, 1994.

COM Guintard C, Chanet B: La mise en collection des organes mous : intérêts, procédés et perspectives. Journées 2007 de la Société Française de Systématique, "Systématique et collection". MNHN, Paris, France, 22 - 23 octobre 2007.

COM Henry RW, Bright JM: Plastinated specimens, an aid to understanding standard imaging planes for two-dimensional, real-time echocardiography in the dog. 2nd Interim Conf Plast, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA, 1991. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 6 (1): 5-6, 1992.

ART Barnes T: Interim meeting summary. J Int Soc Plastination 10 (1): 35, 1996.

ART Barnes T: A Tribute to the Father of Plastination in the USA, Dr. Harmon Bickley, May 1930 - February 2001. J Int Soc Plastination 16: 3-4, 2001.

ART Barnes T: Plastinators in Paradise. J Int Soc Plastination 17: 3, 2002.

ART Bickley HC: A brief chronology of international happenings in plastination. J Int Soc Plastination 9 (1): 11-12, 1995.

ART Bleyl U: "And what we are, you will be" - the dignity and inviolability of the plastinated cadavers. [in German]. Pathologe 19 (3): 171-175, 1998.

ART Bleyl U: "One must always be true to himself." The proper ethical reservation on so-called art anatomy. [in German]. Anat Anz 181 (3): 309-316, 1999.

ART Bloor C: Body Worlds. Philosophy Now 36: 2002.

ART Bohannon J: Gunther von Hagens - Anatomy's full monty. Science 301: 1172-1175, 2003.

ART Cohn F: Re-inventing anatomy: The impact of plastination on how we see the human body. Clin Anat 15 (6): 443-444, 2002.

ART Findlay JM: Liliequist's membrane is a fold of the arachnoid mater: Study using sheet plastination and scanning electron microscopy - Comment. Neurosurgery 47 (4): 908, 2000.

ART Henkel G: This month in Anesthesiology. Anesthesiology 103 (5): 5A-6A, 2005.

ART Hirschauer S: Vitalized corpses. The incarnated last will in an anatomical exhibition.[in German with English abstract]. Soz Welt 53 (1): 5-+, 2002.

ART Johnson GM, Zhang M, Jones DG: Dorsal and ventral portions of ligamentum nuchae are not independent of each other. Clin Anat 17 (2): 158, 2004.

ART Jones DG: Re-inventing anatomy: The impact of plastination on how we see the human body. Clin Anat 15 (6): 436-440, 2002.

ART Jones DG, Dias GJ, Mercer S, Zhang M, Nicholson HD: Clinical anatomy research in a research-driven anatomy department. Clin Anat 15 (3): 228-232, 2002.

ART Keller JT, Froelich SE: Liliequist's membrane is a fold of the arachnoid mater: Study using sheet plastination and scanning electron microscopy - Comment. Neurosurgery 47 (4): 908-909, 2000.

ART Lozanoff S: Re-inventing anatomy: The impact of plastination on how we see the human body. Clin Anat 15 (6): 441-442, 2002.

ART Macdonald RL: Liliequist's membrane is a fold of the arachnoid mater: Study using sheet plastination and scanning electron microscopy - Comment. Neurosurgery 47 (4): 908, 2000.

ART Martín-Alguacil N: 7th Interim Plastination Congress held in China - About Temples, Pagodas and Terracota Soldiers. J Int Soc Plastination 16: 53, 2001.

ART Miklošová M: Plastination: Science or Art? [in Slovak with English and German abstracts]. Slovenský LEKÁR 8-9/99: 355-357, 1999.

ART Moore CM, Brown CM: Gunther von Hagens and Body Worlds Part 1: The Anatomist as Prosektor and Proplastiker. Anat Rec 276B (1): 8-14, 2004.

ART Moore CM, Brown CM: Gunther von Hagens and Body Worlds Part 2: The Anatomist as Priest and Prophet. Anat Rec 277B (1): 14-20, 2004.

ART Nel PPC: Research Applications of Plastination. J Int Soc Plastination 12 (1): 9-12, 1997.

ART Olry R: From scientific popularization to voyeurism: what about exhibition of plastinated specimens. J Int Soc Plastination 13 (1): 4, 1998.

ART Olry R: The Journal of the International Society for Plastination: Assessment and Future Prospects. J Int Soc Plastination 14 (1): 25-27, 1999.

ART Olry R, Motomiya K: The 1996 Osaka Plastination Exhibition. J Int Soc Plastination 12 (2): 39, 1997.

ART Satyapal KS: Ethics, transplantation, and the changing role of anatomists. Clin Anat 18 (2): 150-153, 2005.

ART Shimada K: Plastination Workshop at the University of Heidelberg. [in Japanese]. Acta Anat Nippon 70: 36-38, 1995.

ART Shimada K: Success of Special Exhibition "Human Body World" and Purpose of Plastination Technique. [in Japanese]. Shikai tenbo (Dental Outlook) 87 (3): 504-506, 1996.

ART Smith JH: The hazard to pathologists from tuberculous specimens. Hum Pathol 27 (12): 1251-1252, 1996.

ART Tag B: About the handling of the body. Legal aspects of the permanent preservation of human bodies and body parts by plastination. [in German]. MedR - Medizinrecht 16 (9): 387-394, 1998.

ART Ulmer D, Titford M: A Pharaoh's Farewell: The Making of a Mummy. J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 15, 1996.

ART Üstün Ç: Plastination. Is it a Science or a Freak Show. [in Turkish with English abstract]. ADÜ Týp Fakültesi Dergisi 3 (1): 37-42, 2002.

ART van Dijck J: Bodyworlds: The Art of Plastinated Cadavers. Configurations 9 (1): 99-126, 2001.

ART Wake K: Exhibitions of Anatomy in Commemoration of the Centenary of Japanese Association of Anatomists. [in Japanese]. Acta Anat Nippon 69: 789, 1994.

ART Weiglein AH: Preservation and plastination. Clin Anat 15 (6): 445, 2002.

ART Wetz FJ: The dead are only a problem for the living: Human dignity and plastination. [in German] Ann Anat 182 (4): 385-391, 2000.

ART Yasargil MG, Abdulrauf SI: Liliequist's membrane is a fold of the arachnoid mater: Study using sheet plastination and scanning electron microscopy - Comment. Neurosurgery 47 (4): 908, 2000.

POP Andrews EL: Mannheim Journal; Anatomy on Display, and It's All Too Human. The New York Times, January 7, 1998 . Reprinted in J Int Soc Plastination 13 (1): 5-6, 1998.

POP Brueton R: Qui est là? Qui était là? A review of the "Body World" exhibition. La Chouette, numéro 33, 2002.

POP Burd G: Plastic fantastic! Body Worlds. The Biochemist: 18-19, June 2002.

POP David M: Expo choc à Bâle; Vrais cadavres en spectacle. L'illustré, No 36, 8 septembre 1999

POP Glass N: Banishing the taboo against our own bodies. The Lancet 353 (9171): 2252, 1999.

POP Glass N: Waxen bodies. The Lancet 356 (9231): 775, 2000.

POP Hawkins P: Anatomy, ethics and the law., 2002.

POP MacKenzie D: von Hagens: A body of knowledge. New Scientist 173 (2335): 44-47, march 23, 2002.

ART Grondin G, Grondin GG, Talbot BG: A Study of Criteria Permitting the Use of Plastinated Specimens for Light and Electron Microscopy. Biotech Histochem 69 (4): 219-234, 1994.

ART Klemstein J: Vom makroskopischen Präparat zur Ultrastruktur der Zelle - über neue Möglichkeiten makroskopische Präparate für die Licht- und Electronenmikroskopie aufzuarbeiten. [in German with English and French abstracts]. Der Präparator 28 (3): 305-312, 1982.

ART Neusel E, Graf J, Kraft A, Niethard FU: Importance of the subchondral space for development of chondromalacia patellae--morphologic study of joint cartilage of the rabbit patella after experimental ischemia. [in German with English abstract]. Sportverletz Sportsc 6 (4): 170-178, 1992.

ART Simank HG, Graf J, Kerber A, Wiedmaier S: Long-term effects of core decompression by drilling. Demonstration of bone healing and vessel ingrowth in an animal study. Acta Anat 158 (3): 185-191, 1997.

ART Zhang M, An P-C: Liliequist's membrane is a fold of the arachnoid mater: Study using sheet plastination and scanning electron microscopy. Neurosurgery 47 (4): 902-908, 2000.

COM Grondin G, Grondin GG, Talbot BG: The use of silicone plastinated specimens for light and electron microscopy. 7th Int Conf Plast, Graz, Austria, 1994. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 9 (1): 32, 1995.

COM von Hagens G: Whole-body sheet plastination for topographical studies in macroscopy and histology. 22nd Annual Meeting of The Society for Cutaneous Ultrastructure Research. Heidelberg, Germany, 1995. Abstract in J Invest Dermatol 107 (2): 264, 1996.

COM Zhang M, An P-C: Liliequist's Membrane is a Fold of the Arachnoid Mater: A Study with Sheet Plastination and Scanning Electron Microscopy. 10th Int Conf Plast, Saint-Etienne, France, 2000. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 16: 39, 2001.

ART Aigner F, Zbar AP, Ludwikowski B, Kreczy A, Kovacs P, Fritsch H: The rectogenital septum: Morphology, function, and clinical relevance. Dis Colon Rectum 47 (2): 131-140, 2004.

ART Aigner F, Bodner G, Conrad F, Mbaka G, Kreczy A, Fritsch H : The superior rectal artery and its branching pattern with regard to its clinical influence on ligation techniques for internal hemorrhoids. Am J Surg 187 (1): 102-108, 2004.

ART Aigner F, Trieb T, Ofner D, Margreiter R, Devries A, Zbar AP, Fritsch H: Anatomical considerations in TNM staging and therapeutical procedures for low rectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis 22 (11): 1339-1346, 2007.

ART Benz G, Daum R: Morphometric analysis of the vascular tree of fetal tubular bones in an experimental model. [in German with English abstract]. Unfallchirurgie 18 (6): 325-329, 1992.

ART Brenner E, Gruber H, Fritsch H: Fetal development of the first metatarsophalangeal joint complex with special reference to the intersesamoidal ridge. Ann Anat 184 (5): 481-487, 2002.

ART Fritsch H: Developmental changes in the retrorectal region of the human fetus. Anat Embryol (Berl) 177 (6): 513-522. 1988.

ART Fritsch H: Staining of different tissues in thick epoxy resin-impregnated sections of human fetuses. Stain Technol 64 (2): 75-79, 1989.

ART Fritsch H: Topography of the pelvic autonomic nerves in human fetuses between 21-29 weeks of gestation. Anat Embryol (Berl) 180 (1): 57-64, 1989.

ART Fritsh H: Development of the Rectal Fascia. [in German with English abstract]. Anat Anz 170 (3-4): 273-280, 1990.

ART Fritsch H: The connective tissue sheath of uterus and vagina in the human female fetus. Anat Anz 174 (3): 261-266, 1992.

ART Fritsch H: Development and organization of the pelvic connective tissue in the human fetus. Anat Anz175 (6): 531-539, 1993.

ART Fritsch H: Topography and subdivision of the pelvic connective tissue in human fetuses and in the adult. Surg Radiol Anat 16 (3): 259-265, 1994.

ART Fritsch H: Gliederung des Bindegewebes im weiblichen Becken Neue Konzeption aufgrund morphologisch-embryologischer Untersuchungen. [Subdivision of the female pelvic connective tissue: new interpretation based on morphological and embryological studies]. [in German with English abstract]. Der Pathologe 26 (4): 273-275, 2005.

ART Fritsch H, Hegemann L: Development of the ligamentum teres and its artery. [in German with English abstract]. Z Orthop 129 (5): 447-452, 1991.

ART Fritsch H, Kühnel W: Development and distribution of adipose tissue in the human pelvis. Early Hum Dev 28 (1): 79-88, 1992.

ART Fritsh H, Fröhlich B: Development of the levator ani muscle in human fetuses. Early Hum Dev 37 (1): 15-25, 1994.

ART Fritsch H, Hötzinger H: Tomographical Anatomy of the Pelvis, Visceral Pelvic Connective Tissue, and Its Compartments. Clin Anat 8 (1): 17-24, 1995.

ART Fritsch H, Kühnel W, Stelzner F: Development and clinical anatomy of the adventicia recti - importance for radical surgery in case of rectal-carcinoma. [in German with English abstract]. Langenbecks Arch Chir 381 (4): 237-243, 1996.

ART Fritsch H, Schmitt O, Eggers R: The ossification center of the talus. Ann Anat 178 (5): 455-459, 1996.

ART Fritsch H, Eggers R: Ossification of the calcaneus in the normal fetal foot and in clubfoot. J Pediatr Orthoped 19 (1): 22-26, 1999.

ART Fritsch H, Brenner E, Debbage P: Ossification in the human calcaneus: a model for spatial bone development and ossification. J Anat 199 (5): 609-616, 2001.

ART Fritsch H, Brenner E, Lienemann A, Ludwikowski B: Anal sphincter complex: reinterpreted morphology and its clinical relevance. Dis Colon Rectum 45 (2): 188-194, 2002.

ART Gardetto A, Dabernig J, Rainer C, Piegger J, Piza-Katzer H, Fritsch H: Does a superficial musculoaponeurotic system exist in the face and neck? An anatomical study by the tissue plastination technique. Plast Reconstr Surg 111 (2): 664-672, 2003.

ART Gruber H, Brenner E, Schmitt O, Fritsch H: The different growth zones of the fetal foot. Ann Anat 183 (3): 267-273, 2001.

ART Haffajee MR: Plastination of a cleared fetus to show vascularization of ossifying bone. J Int Soc Plastination 10 (1): 26-27, 1996.

ART Henkel-Kopleck A, Schmidt HM: The Architecture of the Fibrous Complex between the Palmar Aponeurosis and the Flexor Retinaculum. [in German with English abstract]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 33 (5): 294-298, 2001.

ART Hoch J, Fritsch H, Lewejohann S: Congenital or acquired disposition of the separate compartment of the extensor pollicis brevis tendon associated with stenosing tendovaginitis (de Quervain's disease)? Macroanatomical and fetal-plastinationhistological studies of the first compartment of the wrist. [in German with English abstract]. Ann Anat 186 (4): 305-310, 2004.

ART Ludwikowski B, Oesch Hayward I, Brenner E, Fritsch H: The development of the external urethral sphincter in humans. BJU Int 87 (6): 565-568, 2001.

ART Ludwikowski B, Oesch Hayward I, Fritsch H: Rectovaginal fascia: An important structure in pelvic visceral surgery? About its development, structure, and function. J Pediatr Surg 37 (4): 634-638, 2002.

ART Oostrom K: Fixation of tissue for plastination: General principles. J Int Soc Plastination 1 (1): 3-11, 1987.

ART Oostrom K, von Hagens G: Plastination of the human placenta. J Int Soc Plastination 2 (1): 18-23, 1988.

ART Oswald J, Brenner E, Deibl M, Fritsch H, Bartsch G, Radmayr C: Longitudinal and thickness measurement of the normal distal and intravesical ureter in human fetuses. J Urol 169 (4): 1501-1504, 2003.

ART Peschers UM, Delancey JOL, Fritsch H, Quint LE, Prince MR: Cross-Sectional Imaging Anatomy of the Anal Sphincters. Obstet Gynecol 90 (5): 839-844, 1997.

ART Pfeil J, Rohe K, von Hagens G: Demonstration of the neonatal hip joint by the anatomic frontal plane and ultrasound. [in German with English Abstract]. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 124 (2): 188-191, 1986.

ART Porzionato A, Macchi V, Parenti A, De Caro R: Vein of Galen aneurysm: Anatomical study of an adult autopsy case. Clin Anat 17 (6): 458-462, 2004.

ART Raoof A: Using a Room-Temperature Plastination Technique in Assessing Prenatal Changes in the Human Spinal Cord. J Int Soc Plastination 16: 5-8, 2001.

ART Reidenbach MM, Schmidt HM: Prenatal development of the radial annular ligament. [in German with English abstract]. Ann Anat 175 (5): 459-467, 1993.

ART Reidenbach MM, Schmidt HM: Cartilage canals in the fetal elbow joint in man. Acta Anat 149 (3): 195-202, 1994.

ART Reidenbach MM, Schmidt HM: Topographical anatomy of the posterior elbow region during fetal development. Ann Anat 176 (3): 209-216, 1994.

ART Reidenbach MM, Schmidt HM: Vascularization of the fetal elbow joint. Ann Anat 176 (4): 303-310, 1994.

ART Satyapal KS, Kalideen JM, Haffejee AA, Singh B, Robbs JV: Left renal vein variations. Surg Radiol Anat 21 (1): 77-81, 1999.

ART Schmidt HM, Fritsch H: Cutaneous ligaments of the human hand. Eur J Morphol 28 (1): 35-45, 1990.

ART Sebe P, Fritsch H, Oswald J, Schwentner C, Lunacek A, Bartsch G, Radmayr C: Fetal development of the female external urinary sphincter complex: an anatomical and histological study. J Urol 173 (5): 1738-1742, 2005.

ART Sebe P, Oswald J, Fritsch H, Aigner F, Bartsch G, Radmayr C: An embryological study of fetal development of the rectourethralis muscle - does it really exist? J Urol 173 (2): 583-586, 2005.

ART Sèbe P, Schwentner C, Oswald J, Radmayr C, Bartsch G, Fritsch H: Fetal development of striated and smooth muscle sphincters of the male urethra from a common primordium and modifications due to the development of the prostate: an anatomic and histologic study. The Prostate 62 (4): 388-393, 2005.

ART Tiedemann K: Tools for the infiltration of dehydrated specimens with silicone rubber. J Int Soc Plastination 1 (2): 25-28, 1987.

ART Ulfig N: Staining of human fetal and adult brain slices combined with subsequent plastination. J Int Soc Plastination 4 (1): 33-38, 1990.

ART van Wirdum E, de Keizer RJW, Entius CAC, Vermeij-Keers C: Hemodynamic implications of the orbital muscle of Müller - An anatomical study of human fetal, neonatal, and adult specimens. Neuro-Ophthalmology, 22 (4): 201-207, 1999.

ART Whittaker G, Fyfe G: Student Participation in Plastination as a Learning Exercise in a Science Degree Embryology Unit. J Int Soc Plastination 13 (1): 26-29, 1998.

COM Abdel-Moneim M: Early Embryonic Involution of the Camel Gall Bladder. 9th Int Conf Plast, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 1998. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 40, 1998.

COM Ahmed Ali AM: Preparing and using S10 and P35 cleared rabbit fetuses to determine some ossification centers. 8th Int Conf Plast, Brisbane, Australia, 1996. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 9, 1996.

COM Fritsch H: Applications of plastination in embryological and histological research. 5th Int Conf Plast, Heidelberg, Germany, 1990. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 4 (1): 6, 1990.

COM Fritsch H, Bruch H-P, Kühnel W: Development and topography of the perirectal spaces. First European Congress of Clinical Anatomy, Bruxelles, Belgium, 1991.

COM Haffajee MR: Prenatal cervical lordotic curvature. 5th Int Conf Plast, Heidelberg, Germany, 1990. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 4 (1): 6 and 8, 1990.

COM Haffajee MR: Plastination of foetuses to demonstrate vascularisation of ossified bone. 7th Int Conf Plast, Graz, Austria, 1994. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 9 (1): 18, 1995.

COM Haffajee MR, Mathura G: Prenatal growth as shown by plastinated specimens. 4th Int Conf Plast, Macon, Georgia, USA, 1988.

COM Haffajee MR, Mathura G: Plastination of a cleared foetus to demonstrate ossification and vascularization. 6th Int Conf Plast, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1992.

COM Joghataei MT, Asadi MH, Mohammadzade A, Negahdar F, Izadi-Mobarakeh G: Study of brain evolution in human and animals using the S/10 plastination method. 12th Int Conf Plast, Murcia, Spain, 2004.

COM Mathura G: Fetal anatomy using the PEM and S10 techniques. 5th Int Conf Plast, Heidelberg, Germany, 1990. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 4 (1): 9, 1990.

COM Mizer L, Schenck P: Plastination of stained biological specimens: Their use in a teaching environment. 11th Int Conf Plast, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2002. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 17: 8, 2002.

COM Raoof A, Glover R, Jurjus A: Using the Room Temperature Plastination Technique to Assess Human Prenatal Growth of the Vertebral Column and Spinal Cord. 10th Int Conf Plast, Saint-Etienne, France, 2000. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 16: 33, 2001.

COM Sèbe P, Oswald J, Brenner E, Fritsch H, Bartsch G, Strasser H: Fetal development of striated and smooth sphincter in the female urethra: A morphological study. XIXth Congress of the European Association of Urology. Abstract in Eur Urol Supplements 3 (2): 158, 2004.

COM Serôdio HC, Gouveia J, Lameiras JM, Gil F, Ramirez G, Latorre R: Plastination and animation: pedagogic-didactic proposal for the study of fetal circulation in ruminant fetuses, as a paradigm for the study in other mammals. 12th Int Conf Plast, Murcia, Spain, 2004. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 19: 52, 2004.

COM Smith M: Plastination of fetal organs of domestic animals. 5th Int Conf Plast, Heidelberg, Germany, 1990.

COM Strasser H, Fritsch H, Bartsch G: Fetal development of the relationship between the pelvic autonomic nerves, the urethra, the prostate and the seminal vesicles. Abstract in Eur Urol Supplements 1 (1): 3, 2002.

COM Strasser H, Kavaler E, Lienemann A, Bartsch G, Fritsch H: What are the supportive structures of the female urethra? XVIIIth Congress of the European Association of Urology, Madrid, Spain, 2003. Abstract in Eur Urol Supplements 2(1): 114, 2003.

COM Whitaker G, Fyfe GM: Student participation in plastination as a learning exercise in a science degree embryology unit. 8th Int Conf Plast, Brisbane, Australia, 1996. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 14, 1996.

ART Janick L, DeNovo RC, Henry RW: Plastinated Canine Gastrointestinal Tracts Used to Facilitate Teaching of Endoscopic Technique and Anatomy. Acta Anat 158 (1): 48-53, 1997.

ART Koebke J, Schäfer W, Aust T: Carpal tunnel topography during endoscopic decompression. J Hand Surg-Brit Eur 24B (1): 3-5, 1999.

ART Musumeci E, Lang FJW, Duvoisin B, Riederer BM: Plastinated Ethmoidal Region: I. Preparation and Applications in Clinical Teaching. J Int Soc Plastination 18: 23-28, 2003.

ART Musumeci E, Lang FJW, Duvoisin B, Riederer BM: Plastinated Ethmoidal Region : II. The Preparation and Use of Radio-Opaque Artery Casts in Clinical Teaching. J Int Soc Plastination 18: 29-33, 2003.

ART Nöller C, Nowak M, Hamann J, Fritsch G, Budras K-D: Anatomy of the equine nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses and potential clinical applications as a basis for endoscopy, computed tomography and surgery. [in German with English Abstract]. Pferdeheilkunde 23 (1): 47-58, 2007.

ART Orenes M, Latorre R, Vázquez JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Arencibia A, Moreno F: Técnicas anatómicas aplicadas a la endoscopia del tracto gastrointestinal en el perro. Imagen Veterinaria 2 (4): 142, 1999.

ART Reidenbach MM: Anatomical bases of glottic widening surgery related to arytenoidectomy. Clin Anat 12 (2): 94-102, 1999.

ART Resch KDM, Perneczky A: Use of plastinated crania in neuroendoscopy. J Int Soc Plastination 6 (1): 15-16, 1992.

ART Sprinzl GM, Menzler A, Eckel HE, Sittel C, Koebke J, Thumfart WF: Bone density measurements of the paranasal sinuses on plastinated whole-organ sections: Anatomic data to prevent complications in endoscopic sinus surgery. Laryngoscope 109 (3): 400-406, 1999.

COM Frick TJ, Sweeney MM: The use of plastinated specimens of the digestive tract in endoscopic ultrasound training. Abstract in Gastrointest Endosc 43 (4): 420, 1996.

COM Haffajee MR, Mathura G: Endoscopic diagnosis using plastinated specimens and internal anatomy. 6th Int Conf Plast, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1992.

COM Janick L, DeNovo RC, Henry RW: Plastinated canine gastrointestinal tracts used to facilitate teaching of endoscopic technique and anatomy. 8th Int Conf Plast, Brisbane, Australia, 1996. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 5, 1996.

COM Janick LM, Henry RW, Denovo RC: Preparation and evaluation of plastinated gastrointestinal specimens for use in endoscopic training. AAVA meeting, Knoxville, TN, USA, 1996.

COM Latorre R: Training minimally invasive surgery with plastinated specimens. 8th Congress of the EACA, Palermo, Italy, 2005. Abstract in Surg Radiol Anat 27 (Special Issue): S118-S119, 2005.

COM Latorre R, Usón J, Climent S, Sanchez-Margallo F, Vázquez JM, Gil F, Moreno F: The Use of Dog Complete Gastrointestinal Tracts to Teach the Basic External and Internal Anatomy Necessary for Flexible Endoscopic Training. 10th Int Conf Plast, Saint-Etienne, France, 2000. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 16: 50, 2001.

COM Mathura G, Haffajee MR: Plastination model of stomach for gastro-duodenal endoscopy training. 7th Int Conf Plast, Graz, Austria, 1994. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 9 (1): 20-21, 1995.

COM Oppitz M, Kirschniak A, Drews U: Plastinated Organs as Models for Endoscopy Training. 12th Int Conf Plast, Murcia, Spain, 2004. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 19: 50, 2004.

COM Resch K: The use of plastination for neuroendoscopy. 7th Int Conf Plast, Graz, Austria, 1994.

COM Sánchez Margallo F: Plastinated specimens in the Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre (Cáceres, Spain). 12th Int Conf Plast, Murcia, Spain, 2004. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 19: 44-45, 2004.

COM Sánchez Margallo F, Usón J, Soria F, Gil F, Latorre R, López-Albor O, Sarasa M, Climent S: Plastination and minimally invasive surgery. 12th Int Conf Plast, Murcia, Spain, 2004. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 19: 63, 2004.

MIS Latorre R, Usón J, López-Albors O, Sánchez FM, Sarasa M, Soria F, Climent S: Plastination and Minimally Invasive Surgery. University of Cáceres and University of Murcia, Spain, 2004. (DVD).

MIS Orenes M, Latorre R, Vázquez JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Arencibia A, Moreno F, Sánchez JM, Usón J: La modelización de órganos anatómicos (plastinación) para la enseñanza de la endoscopia. (Video tape). 1999.

COM Legrande YD: Plastination of maggots. 6th Int Conf Plast, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1992.

COM Legrande YD, Rodriquez WC, Sledzik PS: Application of plastination to forensic entomology. 6th Int Conf Plast, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1992. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 6 (1): 44, 1992.

ART Aigner F, Zbar AP, Ludwikowski B, Kreczy A, Kovacs P, Fritsch H: The rectogenital septum: Morphology, function, and clinical relevance. Dis Colon Rectum 47 (2): 131-140, 2004.

ART Alston M, Janick L, Wade RS, Weber W, Henry RW: A Shark Band Saw Blade Enhances the Quality of Cut in Preparation of Specimens for Plastination. J Int Soc Plastination 12 (1): 23-26, 1997.

ART Baker JA: An Inexpensive Method of Labelling Plastinated Specimens. J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 13-14, 1998.

ART Baker JA: COR-TECH PR-10 Silicone: Initial Trials in Plastinating Human Tissue. J Int Soc Plastination 14 (2): 13-19, 1999.

ART Baptista CAC, Bellm P, Plagge MS, Valigosky M: The use of explosion proof freezers in plastination: Are they really necessary? J Int Soc Plastination 6 (1): 34-37, 1992.

ART Bore P, Boyes R: Plastination down under. J Int Soc Plastination 8 (1): 19-21, 1994.

ART Bore P, Boyes R, Dower R: Design of Lifting Gear for a Plastination Laboratory. Acta Anat (Basel) 158 (1): 30-32, 1997.

ART Briggs CA, Robbins SG, Kaegi WH: Development of an Anatomical Technologies Laboratory. J Int Soc Plastination 12 (2): 8-11, 1997.

ART Cook P: A Safe Method of Sawing Cured Sheet Plastinated Sections. J Int Soc Plastination 12 (1): 37-39, 1997.

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