Journal Index H


Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde (Berlin)

ART Eckel HE, Sprinzl GM, Sittel C, Koebke J, Damm M, Stennert E: Anatomy of the vocal folds and subglottis airway in children. [in German with English abstract]. HNO 48 (7): 501-507, 2000.

ART Sittel C, Eckel HE, Sprinzl GM, Stennert E: Sheet-plastination of the human larynx for serial section histology. [in German with English abstract]. HNO 44 (7): 370-375, 1996.

ART Sprinzl GM, Eckel HE, Sittel C, Thumfart WF, Koebke J: Whole organ plastination in otorhinolaryngology. [in German with English abstract]. HNO 43 (5): 282-286, 1995.

ART Sprinzl GM, Sittel C, Koebke J, Damm M, Stennert E: Anatomy of the glottis and subglottis in the pediatric larynx. [in German with English abstract] HNO 48 (7): 501-507, 2000.

ART Graf J, Schneider U, Niethard FU: Microcirculation of the Achilles tendon and significance of the paratenon. A study with the plastination method. [in German with English abstract]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 22 (3): 163-166, 1990.

ART Henkel-Kopleck A, Schmidt HM: The Architecture of the Fibrous Complex between the Palmar Aponeurosis and the Flexor Retinaculum. [in German with English abstract]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 33 (5): 294-298, 2001.

ART Hoch J, Stahlenbrecher A: Bottoming out in augmentation mammaplasty - correction and prevention. [in German with English abstract]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 38 (4): 233-239, 2006.

ART Meinel A: Dupuytren contracture: new aspects on form pathogenesis and surgical principle. [in German with English abstract]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 31 (5): 339-345, 1999.

ART von Hoch J, Fritsch H, Frenz C: "Busch-Fracture" - "Avulsion Fracture of the Extensor Tendon" or "Fracture of the Dorsal Terminal Finger Joint"? Anatomical Studies of the Insertion of the Dorsal Extension Plate and its Consequences for Hand Surgery. [in German with English abstract]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 26 (5): 237-245, 1994.

POP Edell D: Plastination Photos: Anatomy Art, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3., November 04, 1999.

POP Vovelle M: (Article sur l'exposition «Le Monde des Corps»), l'Hebdo, 28 octobre 1999.

POP Sylvestre M: Une exposition qui fait jaser. La plastination démystifiée au Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir. [in French]. L'Hebdo journal, 12 mai: 3, 2007.

ART Smith JH: The hazard to pathologists from tuberculous specimens. Hum Pathol 27 (12): 1251-1252, 1996.