Citation Index M

Macdonald RL
Madigan N
Maeta M
Magiros M
Mansor O
Maréchal J-P
Martin Y
Martín-Alguacil N
Masuda Y
Mathura G
Matsumura A
McGovern C
McNiesh LM
McQuillen PM
McWhorter DL
Mehra S
Meinel A
Miklošová M
Miyake Y
Mizer LA
Moore CM
Müller A
Müller D
Musumeci E
Myers B


Macdonald RL

ART Macdonald RL: Liliequist's membrane is a fold of the arachnoid mater: Study using sheet plastination and scanning electron microscopy - Comment. Neurosurgery 47 (4): 908, 2000.

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Madigan N

POP Madigan N: 2,600 Flock to See an Exhibition of 'Real Human Bodies'. The New York Times: A10, July 3, 2004.

ART Maeta M, Uno K, Saito R: The potential of a plastination specimen for temporal bone surgery. Auris Nasus Larynx 30 (4): 413-416, 2003.

2007ART Sorenson L: JYI.

ART Magiros M, Kekic M, Doran GA: Learning Relational Anatomy by Correlating Thin Plastinated Sections and Magnetic Resonance Images: Preparation of Specimens. Acta Anat 158 (1): 37-43, 1997.

1996MIS Magiros M: Bachelor of Medical Science Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia, 147 pages.
1998ART Grondin G, Olry R: J Int Soc Plastination 13 (1): 23-25.
2001ART Latorre R, Vázquez JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Orenes M, Martínez-Gomariz F, Arenciba A: J Int Soc Plastination 16: 23-30.
2001ART Steinke H: Ann Anat 183 (3): 275-281.
2002ART Thomas M, Steinke H: KCS 3(3): 47-54.
2002ART Zöggeler E, Probst A, Sora MC, König HE: Wien Tierärztl Mschr 89 (5): 115-121.
2003ART Latorre R, Arencibia A, Gil F, Rivero M, Ramírez G, Váquez-Autón JM, Henry RW: J Int Soc Plastination 18: 14-22.
2004ART Herndl B, Probst A, Sora MC, König HE: VMA 91, 1-7.
2004ART Thomas M, Steinke H, Schulz T: Surg Radiol Anat 26 (2): 110-117.

MIS Magiros M: An Educational Comparison of Thin Plastinated Cadaveric Sections and Magnetic Resonance Images. Bachelor of Medical Science Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia, 147 pages, 1996.

ART Mansor O: Use of plastinated specimen in a medical school with a fully integrated curriculum. J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 16-17, 1996.

2002ART Miklošová M: Slovenský LEKÁR 1-2/2002: 35-37.

ART Maréchal J-P: La plastination au Silicone S10 pour la conservation des organismes à corps mous et des organes. La Lettre de l'OCIM 72: 28-32, 2000.

POP Martin Y: The Good that can come from Death - Donating your Body to Science. The Dominion: 9, April 17, 1998.

ART Martín-Alguacil N: 7th Interim Plastination Congress held in China - About Temples, Pagodas and Terracota Soldiers. J Int Soc Plastination 16: 53, 2001.

ART Masuda Y, Motomiya K, Yoshida Y, Yohro T: Results of a Questionnaire on a Computer Demonstration at the Exibition of Plastination. [in Japanese]. Acta Anat Nippon 70 (5): 478-481, 1995.

1997ART Masuda Y, Yoshida Y, Minagawa K, Zhang J, Yohro T: Acta Anat 158 (1): 10-20.

ART Masuda Y, Yoshida Y, Zhang J, Kawafuchi A, Kikukawa T, Motomiya K, Yohro T: A Construction and Service of Image Databases of Gross Anatomy Specimens. [in Japanese with English abstract]. Bulletin of the National Institute of Multimedia Education 13: 177-191, 1996.

ART Masuda Y, Yohro T: Is it Allowed to Have a Public Open Exhibition of Human Plastinated Specimens in Japan? [in Japanese, with English abstract]. Acta Anat Nippon 72 (1): 61-71, 1997.

1997ART Masuda Y, Yoshida Y, Minagawa K, Zhang J, Yohro T: Acta Anat 158 (1): 10-20.

ART Masuda Y, Yoshida Y, Minagawa K, Zhang J, Yohro T: Setting Up and Features of a Database of Images of Plastinated Materials. Acta Anat 158 (1): 10-20, 1997.

2001ART Steinke H: Ann Anat 183 (3): 275-281.
2004ART Reina-de la Torre F, Rodríguez-Baeza A, Doménech-Mateu JM: Eur J Anat 8 (1): 1-6.

ART Mathura G, Satyapal KS: Quest for transparency in plastination. J Int Soc Plastination 15 (1): 14-17, 2000.

COM Mathura G: Fetal anatomy using the PEM and S10 techniques. 5th Int Conf Plast, Heidelberg, Germany, 1990. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 4 (1): 9, 1990.

1996MIS Magiros M: Bachelor of Medical Science Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia, 147 pages.

COM Mathura G: Problem encountered in E12 sheet plastination technique. 8th Int Conf Plast, Brisbane, Australia, 1996. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 13, 1996.

2003ART Reed RB: J Int Soc Plastination 18: 3-8.

COM Mathura G, Haffajee MR: Plastination model of stomach for gastro-duodenal endoscopy training. 7th Int Conf Plast, Graz, Austria, 1994. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 9 (1): 20-21, 1995.

1996MIS Magiros M: Bachelor of Medical Science Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia, 147 pages.
1997ART Janick L, DeNovo RC, Henry RW: Acta Anat 158 (1): 48-53.

ART Matsumura A, Saito K: Distribution of Muscle Spindles in the Extensor Digitorum and Hallucis Brevis Muscles of the Macaque as Determined by Plastination. Acta Anat 158 (1): 59-67, 1997.

POP McGovern C: The Plastinator wants you! Well, your body. Report / Newsmagazine (National Edition) 29 (20): 46, October 21, 2002.

2004ART Moore CM, MacKenzie Brown C: Anat Rec 277B (1): 14-20.

ART McNiesh LM, von Hagens G: The diagnostic imaging characteristics of plastinated anatomical specimens. J Int Soc Plastination 2 (1): 24-39, 1988.

1998ART Sivrev D, Vlaykova T, Trifonov Zl: Collection of Papers Presented at the Jubilee Scientific Session, 50th Anniversary of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria 2: 129-132.
2001ART Windisch G, Weiglein AH: J Int Soc Plastination 16: 19-22.
2002ART Latorre RM, Reed RB, Gil F, López-Albors O, Ayala MªD, Martínez-Gomariz F, Henry RW: J Int Soc Plastination 17: 17-22.

ART McQuillen PM, LeGrande YD, Hahn MB, Wade RS: Use of plastinated anatomical preparations in teaching regional anesthetic techniques. J Int Soc Plastination 8 (1): 15-18, 1994.

1996MIS Magiros M: Bachelor of Medical Science Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia, 147 pages.

ART McWhorter DL, Forester JP: Effects of an Alternate Dissection Schedule on Gross Anatomy Laboratory Practical Performance. Clin Anat 17 (2): 144-148, 2004.

ART Mehra S, Choudhary R, Tuli A: Dry Preparation of Cadaveric Hearts: An Innovative Trial. J Int Soc Plastination 18: 34-36, 2003.

ART Meinel A: Dupuytren contracture: new aspects on form pathogenesis and surgical principle. [in German with English abstract]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 31 (5): 339-345, 1999.

ART Miklošová M: Plastination - New Trend in the Teaching of Anatomy. [in Slovak with English abstract]. Folia Medica Cassoviensia 54: 378-382, 1997.

ART Miklošová M: Plastination as a Preservation Method. [in Slovak with English and German abstracts]. Slovenský LEKÁR 4/97: 35-37, 1997.

2001ART Miklošová M: Folia Veterinaria 45 (3): 160-162.
2002ART Miklošová M: Slovenský LEKÁR 1-2/2002: 35-37.

ART Miklošová M: Plastination: Science or Art? [in Slovak with English and German abstracts]. Slovenský LEKÁR 8-9/99: 355-357, 1999.

ART Miklošová M: Plastination of the Lungs. Folia Veterinaria 45 (3): 160-162, 2001.

ART Miklošová M: The first experiences with make plastinated preparations. [in Slovak with English and German abstracts]. Slovenský LEKÁR 1-2/2002: 35-37, 2002.

ART Miklošová M, Eliášová V: Modelation of Atherosclerosis by Plastination. [in Slovak with English abstract]. Ateroskleróza 3 (3): 170-172, 1999.

ART Miklošová M, Sivrev D: Plastination - a teaching and research tool. Folia Veterinaria 43 (2): 104-107, 1999.

2001ART Miklošová M: Folia Veterinaria 45 (3): 160-162.
2002ART Steinke H, Pfeiffer S, Spanel-Borowski K: Ann Anat 184 (4): 353-358.

ART Miklošová M, Kolodzyieski L, Herich R, Longauer F: Process of preparation, labelling and storing of plastinated specimens - an experience from Department of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, University of P.J. Safarik, Košice. Plzeò lék Sborn Suppl 78: 63-65, 2003.

ART Miklošová M, Mikloš V: Plastination with silicone method S10 - monitoring and analysis causes of failure. Biomed Papers 148 (2): 237-238, 2004.

ART Miyake Y, Sakamoto Y, Hirokawa M, Yamashita K: Modified von Hagens' Method using silicone KE108. [in Japanese]. Pathology and Clinical Medicine 8 (11): 1439-1441, 1990.

ART Mizer LA, Farnum CE, Schenck PD: The Modular Resource Center: Integrated units for the study of the anatomical sciences in a problem-based curriculum. Anat Rec 269 (6): 249-256, 2002.

ART Moore CM, MacKenzie Brown C: Gunther von Hagens and Body Worlds Part 1: The Anatomist as Prosektor and Proplastiker. Anat Rec 276B (1): 8-14, 2004.

2004ART Moore CM, MacKenzie Brown C: Anat Rec 277B (1): 14-20.

ART Moore CM, MacKenzie Brown C: Gunther von Hagens and Body Worlds Part 2: The Anatomist as Priest and Prophet. Anat Rec 277B (1): 14-20, 2004.

ART Müller A, Tschahargane C, Anton HW, von Fournier D: Multicentric primaries and residual tumor masses following wide excision in breast cancer: a basis for irradiation. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 10 (5) :310-318, 1989.

ART Müller A, Guhr A, Leucht W, von Hagens G: Multicentricity of breast cancer. Results of a study using sheet plastination of mastectomy specimens. J Int Soc Plastination 3 (1): 8-14, 1989.

1992ART Olry R: Bull Soc Anat (Paris) 16: 35-39.
1994ART Grondin G, Grondin GG, Talbot BG: Biotech Histochem 69 (4): 219-234.
1996ART Ripani M, Boccia L, Cervone P, De Vargas Macciucca M: J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 28-30.
1996MIS Magiros M: Bachelor of Medical Science Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia, 147 pages.
1997ART Nel PPC: J Int Soc Plastination 12 (1): 9-12.
1998ART Grondin G: J Can Chiropr Assoc 42 (2): 107-112.

POP Müller D: Du sensationnalisme juteux. L'Illustré, No 36, 8 septembre 1999.

ART Musumeci E, Lang FJW, Duvoisin B, Riederer BM: Plastinated Ethmoidal Region: I. Preparation and Applications in Clinical Teaching. J Int Soc Plastination 18: 23-28, 2003.

2003ART Musumeci E, Lang FJW, Duvoisin B, Riederer BM: J Int Soc Plastination 18: 29-33.

ART Musumeci E, Lang FJW, Duvoisin B, Riederer BM: Plastinated Ethmoidal Region : II. The Preparation and Use of Radio-Opaque Artery Casts in Clinical Teaching. J Int Soc Plastination 18: 29-33, 2003.

2003ART Musumeci E, Lang FJW, Duvoisin B, Riederer BM: J Int Soc Plastination 18: 23-28.

ART Myers B, Bickley H: Use of plastinated tissue in the construction of holograms. J Int Soc Plastination 4 (1): 38-39, 1990.