Citation Index G

Gagnon M
Gardetto A
Genoud B
Genser-Strobl B
Georgieva A
Giroud D
Glass N
Glover RA
Gotwald TF
Goudreau H
Goyette V
Graf J
Granger Y
Griffiths DJ
Grondin G
Gross M
Gruber H
Gubbins RBG
Guhr A


Gagnon M

MIS Gagnon M: Plastination: la momification des temps modernes. Mémoire présenté dans le cadre de la bourse Fernand-Séguin, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 1995.

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Gardetto A

ART Gardetto A, Dabernig J, Rainer C, Piegger J, Piza-Katzer H, Fritsch H: Does a superficial musculoaponeurotic system exist in the face and neck? An anatomical study by the tissue plastination technique. Plast Reconstr Surg 111 (2): 664-672, 2003.

2005ART Landes CA, Weichert F, Geis P, Wernstedt K, Wilde A, Fritsch H, Wagner M: J Anat 207 (2): 175-191.

POP Genoud B: Morbides, ces dépouilles. L'Illustré, No 36, 8 septembre 1999.

2000POP Giroud D: Alias, l'Actualité en revue Numéro 1, 15 janvier.

ART Genser-Strobl B, Sora M: Potential of P40 plastination for morphometric hip measurements. Surg Radiol Anat 27 (2): 147-151, 2005.

2007ART Sorenson L: JYI.

ART Georgieva A, Sivrev D, Kayriakov J: Characteristics and stages of "molecular substitution method for macroscopical PEG impregnation" with polyethylene glycol 400. [in Bulgarian]. Book of articles of the 7th National conference "Fundamental and Applied sciences": 264-268, 1996.

POP Giroud D: Les cadavres exquis du Dr Von Hagens. Alias, l'Actualité en revue Numéro 1, 15 janvier 2000.

ART Glass N: Banishing the taboo against our own bodies. The Lancet 353 (9171): 2252-2253, June 26, 1999.

ART Glass N: Waxen bodies. The Lancet 356 (9231): 775-776, August 26, 2000.

COM Glover RA, Henry RW, Wade RS: Polymer Preservation Technology: POLY-CUR. A Next Generation Process for Biological Specimen Preservation. 9th Int Conf Plast, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 1998. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 39, 1998.

1998ART Zheng TZ, Liu J, Zhu K: J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 21-25.
2001ART Latorre R, Vázquez JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Orenes M, Martínez-Gomariz F, Arenciba A: J Int Soc Plastination 16: 23-30.
2001ART Raoof A: J Int Soc Plastination 16: 5-8.

ART Gotwald TF, Menzler A, Beauchamp NJ, zur Nedden D, Zinreich SJ: Paranasal and orbital anatomy revisited: identification of the ethmoid arteries on coronal CT scans. Crit Rev Comput Tomogr 44 (5): 263-278, 2003.

POP Goudreau H, Lafontaine R: Coeur de plastique? Pas tout à fait! Liaison, 27 (4): 1 and 5, 1992.

POP Goudreau H, Lafontaine R: Recycler l'acétone, c'est possible. Liaison, 27 (5): 5, 1992.

POP Goyette V: La plastination bien accueillie. Le Nouvelliste: 8, 9 juillet 1998.

ART Graf J, Schneider U, Niethard FU: Microcirculation of the Achilles tendon and significance of the paratenon. A study with the plastination method. [in German with English abstract]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 22 (3): 163-166, 1990.

ART Graf J, Fromm B, Schneider U, Niethard FU: The application of the plastination method in experimental orthopaedic surgery. J Int Soc Plastination 5 (1): 20-22, 1991.

1992ART Graf J, Fromm B, Schneider U, Niethard FU: J Int Soc Plastination 6 (1): 25-28.
1992ART Olry R: Bull Soc Anat (Paris) 16: 35-39.
1997ART Kayriakov J, Sivrev D, Dandov A, Vlaykova T, Trifonov ZL: Book of Articles of 8th National conference "Modern Tendencies in the Development of Fundamental and Applied sciences": 309-310.
1998ART Grondin G: J Can Chiropr Assoc 42 (2): 107-112.

ART Graf J, Fromm B, Schneider U, Niethard FU: Early morphological changes in chondromalacia patellae in humans - demonstrated with the plastination method. J Int Soc Plastination 6 (1): 25-28, 1992.

1997ART Kayriakov J, Sivrev D, Dandov A, Vlaykova T, Trifonov ZL: Book of Articles of 8th National conference "Modern Tendencies in the Development of Fundamental and Applied sciences": 309-310.
1998ART Grondin G: J Can Chiropr Assoc 42 (2): 107-112.

COM Graf J, Schneider U, Niethard FU, von Hagens G: The microcirculation of the Achilles tendon - demonstrated by plastination. XIII Federative International Congress of Anatomy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1989.

1991ART Graf J, Fromm B, Schneider U, Niethard FU: J Int Soc Plastination 5 (1): 20-22.
1998ART Kayriakov J, Sivrev D, Vlaykova T, Trifonov ZI: Collection of Papers Presented at the Jubilee Scientific Session, 50th Anniversary of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria 2: 167-170.

POP Granger Y, Flammin Y: Les nouveaux plasticiens de l'anatomie: La plastination au secours de l'anatomie. La Tribune Le Progrès 47, 256: 1 et 6, 6 mars 2000.

ART Griffiths DJ: Inject vessels with Epoxy Using Compressed Air and a Simple Jig. J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 15-16, 1998.

ART Grondin G: Procedure update: Recycling used acetone in plastination laboratories. J Int Soc Plastination 8 (1): 11, 1994.

ART Grondin G: Procedure update: Recycling used acetone in plastination laboratories. J Int Soc Plastination 10 (1): 29, 1996.

ART Grondin G: Plastination: a modern approach to chiropractic teaching. J Can Chiropr Assoc 42 (2): 107-112, 1998.

2007ART Sorenson L: JYI.

ART Grondin G, Bérubé S: A simple and inexpensive method for recycling used acetone in plastination laboratories. J Int Soc Plastination 6 (1): 17-19, 1992.

1994ART Grondin G: J Int Soc Plastination 8 (1): 11.
1995ART Janick L, Henry RW: J Int Soc Plastination 9 (1): 27-30.
1996ART Grondin G: J Int Soc Plastination 10 (1): 29.
1998ART Sivrev D, Vlaykova T: IMAB Annual Proceedings (Scientific Papers) 4 (2): 272-273.
1998ART Zheng TZ, Liu J, Zhu K: J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 21-25.
2000ART Maréchal J-P: La Lettre de l'OCIM 72: 28-32.
2000ART Zheng TZ, You X, Cai L, Liu J: J Int Soc Plastination 15 (1): 25-29.

ART Grondin G, Grondin GG, Talbot BG: A Study of Criteria Permitting the Use of Plastinated Specimens for Light and Electron Microscopy. Biotech Histochem 69 (4): 219-234, 1994.

1997ART Nel PPC: J Int Soc Plastination 12 (1): 9-12.
1997ART Sittel C, Eckel HE, Ricke S, Stennert E: Acta Anat 158 (1): 74-80.
1998ART Grondin G: J Can Chiropr Assoc 42 (2): 107-112.
1998ART Zheng TZ, You X, Liu J, Zhu K: J Int Soc Plastination 13 (1): 20-22.
2002ART Miklošová M: Slovenský LEKÁR 1-2/2002: 35-37.

ART Grondin G, Olry R: Vascular patterns of plastinated human hands with special reference to abnormalities of the arterial palmar arches. J Int Soc Plastination 10 (1): 19-21, 1996.

1996ART Kayriakov J, Sivrev D: Book of articles of the 7th National conference "Fundamental and Applied sciences": 290-293.
1997ART Henry RW, Janick L, Henry C: J Int Soc Plastination 12 (1): 13-17.
1997ART Janick L, DeNovo RC, Henry RW: Acta Anat 158 (1): 48-53.
1997ART Miklošová M: Slovenský LEKÁR 4/97: 35-37.
1998ART Pavlov I, Sivrev D, Kayriakov J, Vlaykova T: Book of articles of the 9th National conference "Fundamental and Applied sciences": 250-253.
2001ART Latorre R, Vázquez JM, Gil F, Ramírez G, López-Albors O, Orenes M, Martínez-Gomariz F, Arenciba A: J Int Soc Plastination 16: 23-30.

ART Grondin G, Henry RW, Janick L, Bérubé S: Reclamation of Acetone in Plastination Laboratories: A Simple and Inexpensive Method. Acta Anat 158 (1): 26-29, 1997.

1998ART Sivrev D, Vlaykova T: IMAB Annual Proceedings (Scientific Papers) 4 (2): 272-273.
1998ART Zheng TZ, Liu J, Zhu K: J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 21-25.
2000ART Zheng TZ, You X, Cai L, Liu J: J Int Soc Plastination 15 (1): 25-29.

ART Grondin G, Olry R: Dissection and Plastination of the Human Cerebral Dura Mater with the Base of Skull. J Int Soc Plastination 13 (1): 23-25, 1998.

ART Grondin G, Sianothai A, Olry R: In Situ Ventricular Casts of S10 Plastinated Human Brains. J Int Soc Plastination 15 (1): 18-21, 2000.

COM Grondin G: Starting plastination on a limited budget. 2nd Interim Conf Plast, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA, 1991. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 6 (1): 2-3, 1992.

1995ART O'Sullivan E, Mitshell BS: Surg Radiol Anat 17 (3): 277-281.

COM Grondin G, Grondin GG, Talbot BG: The use of silicone plastinated specimens for light and electron microscopy. 7th Int Conf Plast, Graz, Austria, 1994. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 9 (1): 32, 1995.

1997ART Dandov A, Sivrev D, Kayriakov J, Vlaykova T, Trifonov ZL: Book of Articles of 8th National conference "Fundamental and Applied sciences": 338-339.
1997ART Sivrev D, Kayriakov J, Dandov A, Vlaykova T, Trifonov Z: IMAB Annual Proceedings (Scientific Papers) 3 (1): 253-254.
1998ART Usovich A, Sivrev D: Collection of Papers Presented at the Jubilee Scientific Session, 50th Anniversary of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria 2: 113-116.

COM Grondin G, Olry R: Vascularization of the human hand demonstrated with S10 plastinated specimens. 4th Interim Conf Plast, Columbus, OH, USA, 1995.

1996ART Grondin G, Olry R: J Int Soc Plastination 10 (1): 19-21.

COM Grondin G, Olry R: Preparation and plastination of the cerebral dura mater with the skull base. 8th Int Conf Plast, Brisbane, Australia, 1996. Abstract in J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 4, 1996.

1998ART Grondin G, Olry R: J Int Soc Plastination 13 (1): 23-25.

MIS Grondin G, Olry R: The current plastination Index. Publication of the International Society for Plastination. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada, 51 pages, 1996.

1997ART Nel PPC: J Int Soc Plastination 12 (1): 9-12.
1997ART Olry R, Motomiya K: J Int Soc Plastination 12 (1): 18-22.
1997ART Weiglein A: Acta Anat 158 (1): 6-9.
1998ART Grondin G, Olry R: J Int Soc Plastination 13 (1): 23-25.
1999ART An P-C, Zhang M: J Int Soc Plastination 14 (1): 12-17.
2000ART Olry R: J Int Soc Plastination 15 (1): 30-35.

MIS Grondin G, Olry R: The current plastination Index. Publication of the International Society for Plastination. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada, 66 pages, 2000.

2002ART Jones DG: Clin Anat 15 (6): 436-440.
2004COM Chanet B, Desoutter M, Guintard C, Betti E, Grondin G: Anat Histol Embryol 34 (S1): 11.

ART Gross M: The rage of consent. Curr Biol 14 (7): R254-R255, 2004.

ART Gruber H, Brenner E, Schmitt O, Fritsch H: The different growth zones of the fetal foot. Ann Anat 183 (3): 267-273, 2001.

2002ART Sora MC, Strobl B, Staykov D, Traxler H: Surg Radiol Anat 24 (3-4): 205-208.
2007ART Sora MC, Genser-Strobl B, Radu J, Lozanoff S: Clin Anat 20 (2): 196-200,

ART Gubbins RBG: Design of a plastination Laboratory. J Int Soc Plastination 4 (1): 24-27, 1990.

1992ART Baptista CAC, Bellm P, Plagge MS, Valigosky M: J Int Soc Plastination 6 (1): 34-37.
1998ART Zheng TZ, Liu J, Zhu K: J Int Soc Plastination 13 (2): 21-25.
2000ART Zheng TZ, You X, Cai L, Liu J: J Int Soc Plastination 15 (1): 25-29.
2004ART Reina-de la Torre F, Rodríguez-Baeza A, Doménech-Mateu JM: Eur J Anat 8 (1): 1-6.

ART Guhr A, Müller A, Anton HW, von Hagens G, Bickley H: Complete examination of mastectomy specimens using sheet plastination with epoxy resin. J Int Soc Plastination 1 (1): 23-29, 1987.

1989ART Müller A, Guhr A, Leucht W, von Hagens G: J Int Soc Plastination 3 (1): 8-14.
1991ART Rüschoff J, Thomas C: Der Pathologe 12 (1): 35-39.
1994ART Grondin G, Grondin GG, Talbot BG: Biotech Histochem 69 (4): 219-234.
1996ART Ripani M, Boccia L, Cervone P, De Vargas Macciucca M: J Int Soc Plastination 11 (1): 28-30.
1996MIS Magiros M: Bachelor of Medical Science Thesis, University of Sydney, Australia, 147 pages.
1998ART Grondin G: J Can Chiropr Assoc 42 (2): 107-112.
2002ART Latorre RM, Reed RB, Gil F, López-Albors O, Ayala MªD, Martínez-Gomariz F, Henry RW: J Int Soc Plastination 17: 17-22.
2003ART Reed RB: J Int Soc Plastination 18: 3-8.

COM Guhr A: Complete examination of mastectomy specimens using sheet plastination with epoxy resin. 3rd Int Conf Plast, San Antonio, TX, USA, 1986.

1987ART von Hagens G, Tiedemann K, Kriz W: Anat Embryol 175 (4): 411-421.